The Education Hub

The Nova Spark Foundation proudly supports The Education Hub project in Ukraine, addressing the pressing challenge of limited access to education for teenagers in war-affected areas, where one-third of Ukrainian students lack consistent access to education, severely limiting their chances of pursuing higher studies.

The Education Hub tackles this issue head-on with two primary objectives:

  1. Equal Access to Quality Education: In the midst of war, the initiative aims to provide teenagers from de-occupied, occupied, and near-front territories with a structured and comprehensive preparation for admission to higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

  2. Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being: Recognizing the intense pressure faced by these teenagers during exam preparations, the program aims to alleviate stress and tension. The program is designed not only to impart academic knowledge but also to foster emotional well-being.

The success of the Education Hub is evident in our collaborative efforts with the team and feedback from children, parents, and teachers. Results from surveys conducted post-project reveal a positive impact:

  • Knowledge Acquisition: Children received essential knowledge tailored to their levels and emotional states.

  • Confidence Boost: An overwhelming 91% of participating teenagers expressed feeling "well" or "very well" prepared for their exams. They are confident in their knowledge, and the once daunting prospect of entrance exams no longer instills fear.

Together, with your support, we are bridging gaps, nurturing aspirations, and creating pathways to education for these resilient young minds. The Education Hub is more than a project; it's a testament to the transformative power of education, even in the face of adversity. Join us as we continue to build brighter futures, one student at a time.


Project Renewal